The Possible Gifts of Suffering

Suffering can be a gift Suffering can produce endurance and personal awareness, endurance produces character and resilience, and character produces hope and transformation, and the evidence that ‘no matter what happens I can go on!’   A gift no one wants to receive No one wants to go through suffering, but guess what, suffering happens […]

A Simple Guide To Building Resilience Personally and Professionally

What is Resilience and How Do We Build it? Resilience is the ability to deal with, and transition through, personal and professional challenges, and to be able to ‘bounce back’ more quickly. Low resilience means a person becomes trapped in the effects of stress and distress for longer periods, and with greater consequences. Resilience is the ability […]

The Rise of Compartmentalisation and the Decline of Happiness

Trapped In Contradiction People have become used to being compartmentalised. By virtue of this reality we are trapped in contradiction with our inner most self. Compartmentalisation is a subconscious psychologically defined mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves. Compartmentalisation allows these […]

The Law of Pure Potentiality

  The Ability to See the Potential in Everything It’s a kind of law, like law of attraction, and cause and Effect. It is to be able to see the potential in anything and everything. There’s no failing, just potential and growth. It’s an incredible ideal. Coupled with that, you’ll relinquish the need to pass […]

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

What challenges do we need to overcome now? Learning to work from home, Learn to play new roles at home Learn about Covid 19 rather than acting like you know it all or don’t care. Dealing with limiting social contact and practicing vigilance   Here are some useful thoughts and tips for spotting a fixed […]

Lesson 1: Be Grateful

The Power of Gratitude This first Lesson In this Series focusses on Gratitude. Ultimately, we’re generally our own biggest critics, so this lesson plan is designed to assist you in controlling your inner voice, to choose a different narrative of your day (or life) and to help you realise what you DO have, versus what […]

Silence the Critic

For me, the most accurate description of a critic Is encapsulated in the following quote: “A critic Is someone who walks onto the battlefield after the war Is over, and shoots the wounded.” There Is such truth in that! Critics are normally on the side-lines, not engaged in the “battle”. Consider this, who is your […]

Create A Limitless Life

This is a call, to all—we’re capable of so much more. We are all going THROUGH something, to get TO something… This Is our start, to Creating A Limitless Life. I arrived at the conclusion that I want more out of this life, when I thought back of all the dreams & hopes I’ve had […]

Awareness, Intent, Consistency

These three words and their intrinsic value, will help you focus on the right things and look at situations differently.