Master Your Personal & Professional Life

Currently, mtvtd Academies are only available to our corporate clients and group academies.

If you’ve been booked for training, please click the Login button to get started.

Get Motivated
Stay Motivated

Take control of your life and succeed in your profession.

Always Relevant

The world is ever-evolving with new information and technology — we make sure to keep our content updated and relevant.

Powerful Topics

Each course and programme teaches powerful concepts and topics that you can use in your daily life from Day One.

Ultimate Growth

Each topic will set the groundwork for you to prosper in your personal and professional life, ensuring growth in every direction.

Learning Paths to Master Your Personal & Professional Life

personal mastery learning platform

Personal Mastery

Before mastering professional skills and reaching your goals, you need to master yourself. Our Personal Mastery learning path ensures a solid foundation to tackle any challenge.

Activate your Growth Mindset, enhance your Emotional Intelligence, Manage Time & Stress better, and more.

business development learning platform

Business Development

Take your career to the next level. Our Business Development learning path assists in developing core business skills like Sales & Service Excellence, Negotiation Skills, Business & Strategical Communications and more.

Ensure you’re at the top of your game in any business interaction.

team dynamics learning platform

Team Dynamics

Effective collaboration is the key to success in any business, and life.

Whether it be collaborating with internal teams, external clients or even your family, the Team Dynamics learning path will equip to understand team structures and will teach you how to leverage your team’s potential in different areas of your life.