The Power of Anchoring Thoughts

Right now, life is tough. All around. The ups and downs of our current existence is sometimes exhilarating, but mostly exhausting and downright scary at times. I find myself going through such distinct phases and stages – from excited, to fearful, to hopeful, to traumatised, to learning quick, to adapting, to stumbling and to carry […]

Create Good Habits & Set Meaningful Goals

Creating Effective Habits & Goals The way in which we had to radically adapt to a new way of working and living threw a lot of us into a flat spin. To keep up with the demands on us and to operate effectively became incredibly difficult. To start 2022 — with a renewed focus — […]

Taking Risks & Managing Fear

Taking Risks & Managing Fear to Build A Better Life “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal” — Paulo Coelho   Our worlds and lives are filled with risks. The obvious risks of hurt, heartache and loss… Then, also the “risks” taken to drive us forward and the inherent fears that hold us […]

COVIDs Silver Lining

When I think about the last 18 months a few thoughts come to mind immediately – tough, uncomfortable, stressful, fear, confusion, and loss. These are only some of the words I associate with our time in Covid. These words are all true, and they hang in the air often, as I try to be a […]

Leadership Thought: Leadership is about giving

“The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one’s capacity to lead is severely limited.” — Rbbert Greenleaf   True Leadership There is be a global tendency to believe that positions of power are platforms that entitle one to take from the world. It is little wonder […]

Undiscovered Potential: What Are You Actually Capable of?

Do you ever wonder what hidden abilities you don’t know you have? I know I do. Recent months have raised this question strongly in my mind — “what undiscovered potential lies within me?”. During lockdown, I decided to try something new, and to see what happened if I started doing something I didn’t believe I […]

Adapting & Thriving in a New Age

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin Not unlike many of us, I feel like I’m picking up the pieces of a shattered life – no drama intended – just reality since 2020 […]

Not. by Erin Hanson

We easily define what we don’t like, what we feel we’re not good at, and what we perhaps dislike about others and ourselves. But we are all the things we dream of, and all the ups and downs. Define yourself, NOT by what you need – but by what you already have. Embrace it all, because […]

How Strategy has Changed

Strategy, and the process of formulating strategy, has changed a lot in the last 20 years. For some decades before these changes began to affect how we think about strategy, the process of formulating strategy was a standard approach which was generally based on stable and predictable environments. The examples of this in the past […]

Top 4 Things to Focus on for Constant Progress

Make Progress with Every Step The majority of us are interested in improving aspects of ourselves, and we want to become faster, better, stronger & smarter. We know that we deserve more from this life & more from ourselves, but we often get stuck in a rut and before we know it – we’re just “going […]