My Experience of 2020 thus far

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I have felt the need to express how I feel coming out of this most extraordinary time of our lives.

I am sure that most of you feel a slight feeling of relief that there looks like a silver lining is at last showing itself after the announcement from our President, that we are moving to level 1.

For me, 2020 have been the most surreal time, where all my goals at the beginning of the year were obliterated. Normally this would be a real problem for me, however this time it is different.

Looking back, I see a lot of stress, pain, and uncertainty that I have gone through, and I know that I had it easy, compared to many of us out there. I also see the great blessings and lessons that I have had over this period.

I looked back on my 2020 goals and noticed how superficial and “worldly” they were, so I must have grown a little bit during this time. I am happy that I tried to use this lockdown period to gather my thoughts, and slow down just a little. It has also shown me what is important in my life.

The most important goals I have now are: Family, true friends, and the ability to make a difference wherever I can.

I would love to hear what your experiences during this period has been, and what you have taken out of it?

I’m looking forward to engaging with you.

Gary Hardenberg


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