Adapting & Thriving in a New Age

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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin

Not unlike many of us, I feel like I’m picking up the pieces of a shattered life – no drama intended – just reality since 2020 and putting myself together again with all the parts that lays scattered around me. Almost like someone ending up too close to an explosion. Disoriented and dazed – occupying something that nearly resembles life, but in a dream state. Processing the damage. Step-by-step.

I am not mistaken in this reality though. I do know that I am one of the fortunate ones — just for surviving. Many people have not managed to survive, and their circumstances are bound to be dire right now. This is truly part of the construct and the same reality most of us on this earth are experiencing.

I for one, am extremely grateful for what I have! I am humbled by how my perception of VALUE have changed. I’m also a little embarrassed as to some of the mundane things that I’ve valued before. What I value in life now is much more immediate, so much more real, and lasting and of much more consequence!

Yet, within this knowledge and these beliefs, I still find myself reeling from what was. Other than the obvious effects of the pandemic, my past year was marred by incredible struggle, loss, deaths, personal medical traumas and innumerable disappointments and failures. I keep reminding myself, to be easy with myself, during my current circumstances, and I do try to be. I do not want the hardships of this past year, to now become my excuse, or the “story of myself” that I tell myself.

The fact that I’ve “been through so much” cannot become my crutch or the excuse from keeping me, from where I need to go. It is true though – it has been hard – on all of us! The way I shall see it from now on though, is that I took the blow. It floored me! I am battered and I am bruised. But I am not beaten. “yet the menace of the years, finds and shall find, me unafraid…” #invictus

So, I went within, and deliberated and I started putting together a picture of what I need to focus on. What does it look like? What’s the visual? How does it serve as a reminder for what I need to be aware of and what I need to practice? How do I program and re-program? How do I implement? How can I achieve? How do I persist?

I need to heal, to get strong, to progress, to claw out of this place that I found myself in. A place I’ve never been before, some feelings I’ve never felt before… Of not feeling exactly comfortable in my own skin and being overwhelmed, a rushing freight-train of the many things out of my control.

The immediate change required for me was wholesale. Foundational. The invention of something new, building it from the ground up. I again started focusing on implementing things that I “knew”, but didn’t practice (“do”) regularly. As I started building my personal plan, I was getting so much support and input from people from all walks of life, some colleagues, some friends, some strangers, some stories and some miracles! The small vision I initially planned towards my personal development, evolved into something much bigger.

We ended building the Growth Centre.

The Growth Centre — Helping you Adapt & Thrive

The Growth Centre can assist any person wanting and needing a change. For anyone who feels they need to work harder at Adapting and Thriving. For anyone who feels they deserve more. The information on the Growth Centre will be a catalyst to positive change in your life! Join me in applying these principles and strategies in your life towards personal mastery.

I wish each and every on reading this the best of luck for your immediate future!

Just behind your fears lie the lesson you must learn that will help you move towards your personal truth and fulfilment.



adapting and thriving in a new age


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