Change is Inevitable

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“Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it – but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”

– Oliver Wendell Holmes

The only constant is change.

Why do we fear change? Change is something that is needed. Change is crucial. Change is inevitable. Without it, life is stagnant – like a pond, slowly rotting – compared to a river, a life-giving-ever-changing-constantly-flowing source. Embrace change, and whether you’re “sailing with the wind or sailing against it” – this is life! The only one we have.

Do not “lie at anchor” or go through the motions. Occupy your life! Upon accepting that change is the only constant, you shall free yourselves of many limitations, and find fresh enthusiasm in the “New”. That choice, though difficult, is the most rewarding one and you shall discover you have much more determination, creativity and courage than you ever imagined.


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